CAD/CAM Same-Day Crowns, Inlays, & Onlays

You can get glasses in an hour; why not expect a similar turnaround for a restored tooth? You can! Today's technology enables us to design, mill, and place a dental crown, inlay, onlay in just one office visit. CAD/CAM* technology not only streamlines the dental restoration process, it features state-of-the-art imaging technology for more precise, natural-looking restorations. Our patients love the comfort and convenience of same-day dentistry.

Same Day Dentistry with CAD/CAM

  • Visit the dentist.
  • Sit back while we quickly scan your prepared tooth with a laser wand; wirelessly send the information to an in-office milling station; and virtually design your highly accurate restoration. You can even preview how it will look!
  • CAD/CAM design software allows us to add cusps, contours, grooves, and other anatomical features for a natural look and feel.
  • We finish by customizing the shade and luster to complement your facial features.
  • In a short time, your metal-free restoration is ready.
  • You leave, same day, with a custom crown, inlay, or onlay.

*CAD/CAM stands for computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing.

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